INSTITUTE OF GENE BIOLOGY

              International conference               


                                     Moscow, 4-7 February 2003



February, 4, Tuesday


13.00 –14.00. Registration of participants

(In the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (new building),

Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 32a, main entrance, third floor, Red Hall).


14.00. Opening ceremony.

Opening speech of Academician Rem Petrov ( Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia).


14.10. Georgiev G. (Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia):

Foundation  of  Eucaryotic Molecular Genetics in the USSR/Russia.


15.00. Greetings of the conference’s guests



Scientific sessions, starting from  February 5, will be convened in the Conference-hall of the Institute of Gene Biology (Vavilova street, 34/5).




February, 5, Wednesday


9.30-10.00. Registration of participants.



Morning session



Chairmen: Gary Abelev, Grady Saunders


10.00. Mach J.-P. (Institute of Biochemistry, Lausanne, Switzerland):

Conjugates Between Anti-tumor Antibodies and Major Histocompatibility Complexes

Containing Antigenic Peptides, as a New Tool for Cancer Immunotherapy.


10.25. Kiselev S. (Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia):

Fighting “non-self”: Two Arms, One Goal.


10.50. . Sashchenko L. , Dukhanina E., Yashin D., Shatalov Yu., Romanova E., Korobko E., Demin A., Lukjanova T., Kabanova O., Khaidukov S., Kiselev S., Gabibov A., Georgiev G., Gnuchev N. (Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia):

The Tag7/PGRP-Hsp70 Complex is Cytotoxic and is Secreted by LAK Cells.


11.15. Saunders G. (University of Texas, Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA)

The Wilms Tumor Supressor Gene (WT1) Can Function as Either a Positive or Negative Transcriptional Control Factor.


11.40. Coffee


12.00. Hoffman R. (University of California, San Diego, USA)

In Vivo Molecular Imaging with Fluorescent Proteins.


12.25 Korobko I., Korobko E., Chupikova N., Kiselev S. (Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia):

MAK-V/Hunk, the Mammalian MARK/Par-1/Kin1-Like Protein Kinase.


12.50. Lukanidin E. (Danish Cancer Society, Institute of Cancer Biology, Copenhagen, Denmark):

Molecular Mechanisms of Tumour Progression.


13.15. Nedospasov S.  (Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Moscow, Russia):

Biological Functions of Tumor Necrosis Factor and Lymphotoxin In Vivo Assessed by Gene Targeting.


13.40. Lunch


Afternoon session



Chairmen: Jean-Pierre Mach, Nikolay Gnuchev


15.00. Tora L. (Institut de Genetique et de Biologie Moleculaire et Cellulaire, Strasbourg, France):

The Role of TAF-Containing Multiprotein Complexes in RNA Polymerase II Transcription Control.


15.25. Gabibov A. (Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia):

Catalytic Antibodies and Pathology


15.50. Jans D. (Division for Biochemical and Molecular Biology, John Curtin School of Medical Research, Clayton, Australia):

Nuclear Import Pathway of the Chromatin Remodelling Agent SRY; Clinical Implications.


16.15. Sobolev A. (Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia):

Modular Recombinant Transporters for Targeted Intranuclear Delivery of Locally-Acting Drugs.


16.40. Deyev S. (Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia):

Multivalent Mini-Antibodies for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy.


17.05. Coffee


Afternoon session



Chairmen: Sjur Olsnes, Grigorii Enikolopov

17.20. Giacca M. (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy):

AAV Vectors as a Powerful Tool for Gene and Cell Therapy of Cardiovascular Disorders.


17.45. Korochkin L. (Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia):

Perspectives of Using Stromal Cells of Human Bone Marrow in Gene and Cell Therapy.


February, 6, Thursday


Morning session



Chairmen: Leonid Korochkin, Mauro Giacca


10.00.. Olsnes S. (Department of Biochemistry, Institute for Cancer Research, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway):

Translocation of Toxins and Growth Factor into Cells.


10.25.  Peunova N. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, USA):

NO Signalling in Xenopus Organogenesis.


10.50.  Enikolopov G.( Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, USA):

Regulation of Neurogenesis in the Adult Brain.


11.15 Coffee




Chairmen: Peter Becker, Igor Zhimulev


11.30. Buzdin A., Ustyugova S., Gogvadze E., Vinogradova T., Lebedev Yu., Sverdlov E.  (Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia):

The Human Specific Retroelements.


11.55. Ryskov A.P. (Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia):

Study on Clonal Diversity, Genetically Unstable Loci and Somatic Mosaicism in Partenogenetic Caucasian Rock Lizards, Genus Darevskia.


12.20. Elgin S. (Department of Biology, Washington University, St. Louis, USA):

Organization of the Fourth Chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster: Interspersed Heterochromatic and Euchromatic Domains”


12.45. Pirrotta V. (Department of Zoology, University of Geneva, Switzerland):

Polycomb Silencing and Chromatin Memory”


13.10. Zhimulev I., Belyaeva E.

Intercalary Heterochromatin and Genetic Silencing.


13.40. Lunch


Afternoon session



Chairmen: Vincenzo Pirrotta, Alexei Ryskov


15.00. Becker P. (Adolf-Butenandt-Institut Molekularbiologie, Munchen, Germany):

The Role of  Nucleosome Sliding for Chromatin Dynamics”


15.25. Biessman H. (Developmental Biology Center, University of California, Irvine, USA):

Telomere Elongation by Retrotransposons in Drosophila melanogaster”.


15.50.  Savitskaya E. (Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia):

The Su(Hw) Insulator Modulates the Recombination between FRT Sites and Transposition of P Elements in Drosophila melanogaster.


16.15. Coffee


16.40. Falaschi A. (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy):

Protein-DNA Interactions Occurring in vivo and in vitro at a Human Replication Origin.


17.05. Stratling W.  (Institut fur Medizinesche Biochemie und Molekularbiologie, Universitat-Klinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany):

From Nuclear Matrix to MeCP2 and Rett Syndrome”


17.30. Bistritskii A., Verbovaia L., Iarovaia O., Razin S. (Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia):

Partitioning of Human Dystrophin Gene into DNA Loops and Replicons.


17.55. Bode J. (GBF, German Research Center for Biotechnology, Braunschweig, Germany):

From DNA Structure to Gene Expression: Mediators of Nuclear Compartmentalization and -Dynamics.

February, 7, Friday


Morning session 



Chairmen: Pavel Georgiev, Wolf Stratling


10.00. Cavalli G. (Institut de Genetique Humaine, Montpellier, France):

Conveying Cellular Memory Through Long-Distance Chromosomal Interactions in Drosophila.


10.25. Golovnin A. (Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia):

An Endogenous Su(Hw) Insulator Separates the Yellow Gene from the Achaete-Scute Gene Complex in Drosophila.


10.50. Saunders G. (University of Texas, Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA)

PAX6 the Master Gene for Eye Development”.


11.15. Coffee


11.35. Georgieva S., Nabirochkina E., Krasnov A., Georgiev P., Ilyin Yu. (Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, Russia):

Novel Genes that Participate in Transcription Control in Drosophila.


12.00. Tschurikov N. (Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Moscow, Russia):

Mechanisms of Gene-Specific Silencing: Role of Forum-domains and RNA-RNA duplexes.


12.25 Poster session


13.30. Lunch


Afternoon session



Chairmen: Francisco Baralle, Vladimir Gvozdev


15.00. Spirin A. (Institute of Proteins, Puschino, Moscow region, Russia):

Coding and Non-Coding RNA.


15.25. Baralle F. (International  Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy):

Molecular Pathology of pre-mRNA Splicing”


15.50. Gvozdev V.  (Institute for Molecular Genetics, Moscow, Russia):

RNA Interference, Mobile Genes and Regulation of Gene Expression.


16.15. Scherrer K. (Institut Jacque Monod, CNRS, Universites Paris, Paris, France):

From Giant RNA and DNA Domains to the Concept of 3 Types of Genomic Information.


16.40. Closing of the Conference.


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